Quality has become a very important competitive and strategic factor on which RUBINETTERIE CONDOR has managed to stand out over the years.

The company philosophy, inclined to innovations, new technologies, MADE IN ITALY and the certifications achieved have allowed RUBINETTERIE CONDOR to be a leading company in the world market.
Aware of the ever-increasing importance of quality, the goal of the company is the continuous improvement of the internal organization and of the whole production process. Actually, constant checks and analysis of the products allow us to fully satisfy all customer requests.


Declaration of conformity of materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015


UNI ENISO 9001:2015.

Condor Alimentary Surface Treatment

Legislative Decree 116 of 09.30.2020 (Packaging labelling)

Dichiarazione di conformità dei materiali e degli oggetti destinati a venire a contatto con i prodotti alimentari.

Dichiarazione di conformità dei materiali e degli oggetti destinati a venire a contatto con i prodotti alimentari • Declaration of conformity of materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs

Certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2015


Politica della Qualità

Il sistema Gestione Qualità è conforme alla norma UNI ENISO 9001:2015.